Categories and Criteria

Entries for 2024 are now closed. Good luck to all who have entered!

The categories for the Tackling Economic Crime Awards (TECAs) are listed below.

Please note that it is important that all the entry criteria are covered in the submission, as judges can only provide their scores against the information that is submitted on the entry. External links and attachments are not permitted.

The judges are responsible for awarding the winners and finalists in each category. Their decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The TECAs reserve the right to not award a particular category if circumstances deem it necessary.

Please click here to view an example of an entry which shows how an answer may be written to respond to a category’s criteria.

What is economic crime?

For our purposes economic crimes are those pursued by offenders typically for financial and/or professional gain. They include the following types of offences: all frauds, bribery, corruption, money laundering, forgery, counterfeiting, intellectual property offences and corporate espionage.  They may or may not have a cyber element; may involve an individual, group or organisation as victims or offenders; involve criminal or civil means of control; and engage the public, private and/or third sectors.  Anyone tackling any aspect of these offence types – who has a base in the UK or is significantly active in the UK (with the exception of the Overseas Initiative category) – may enter for the TECAs.

1. Outstanding Manager or Director

This category recognises those who, through economic crime expertise, business acumen and innovative leadership approaches, have led operations tackling economic crime with distinction. Outstanding performers will be leaders and innovators who are setting examples that others wish to follow.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  1. Describe the role of the manager/director and the ways in which he/she has led change in the organisation including the impacts of any partnership approaches adopted with different stakeholders. (up to 500 words)
  2. Provide details of the value added by the manager/director and his/her impact on the organisation highlighting the specific leadership qualities that generated any benefits noted. (up to 500 words)

The Judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing the ways in which the role has driven performance
  • Highlighting the factors that enable the manager/director to excel
  • Identifying the ways in which the role has influenced wider business operations
  • Providing examples of building effective relationships with key stakeholders
  • Demonstrating the improvements made to people and/or process and systems

2. Outstanding Team

sponsored by the IFB

This award recognises outstanding teams in the private, public or voluntary sectors. An outstanding team is one that has implemented an approach which has contributed to the overall performance of the organisation. This can include roles in protecting the organisation against different types of threats (in any area of economic crime) some or all of which may be innovative or exemplary, as well as showing outstanding performance in enabling the organisation to operate in ways or areas that would not be possible without the contribution of the team.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  1. Describe the work of the team and the ways in which it has driven outstanding performance highlighting the key factors that have enabled success. (up to 500 words)
  2. Describe the impact of the team highlighting the benefits and value it has generated for different stakeholders. (up to 500 words)

The Judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing how the team creates and implements an effective strategy and drives performance
  • Highlighting how the team impacts on the wider organisation
  • Identifying the factors that enable staff/leadership to excel
  • Providing examples of building effective relationships with key stakeholders
  • Demonstrating how improvements made to people and/or process and systems

3. Outstanding Training Initiative

This award recognises individuals or companies that operate a successful training initiative, which promotes outstanding performance and has produced identifiable results. There is a tendency to talk about training and up-skilling as a good thing in itself. In fact, in the very least, training should most often be undertaken in response to an identified need, with a programme that is suited to meeting a skills gap, that is well articulated and delivered, and results in and benefits in terms of better performance. This award looks to recognise those who have made a difference to improving practice via training in any area of economic crime.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  1. Describe the training initiative, highlighting its key features that were responsible for delivering outstanding performance. (up to 500 words)
  2. Describe how the training initiative made an impact in developing outstanding practices in terms of adding value, improving performance or otherwise driving excellence in tackling economic crime. (up to 500 words)

The Judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing the aims of the initiative and how these are focussed on the customer
  • Highlighting how innovation is displayed
  • Identifying the factors that enable the trainers to excel
  • Providing examples of improved performance
  • Demonstrating the business benefits and how they are sustained

4. Outstanding New Product/Software/Technology

This award recognises an outstanding new product/software/technology that has been introduced to the UK market within the last 12 months. The key point is that the product has had a marked effect on tackling any aspect of economic crime. This could involve reducing its incidence and/or its impact (this may include raising awareness and/or generating better intelligence/information for an improved response). It may involve achieving efficiencies, for example, improving results more economically or by otherwise adding value.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  1. Describe the product/software/technology and its distinguishing features, and any aspects that enable it to be considered as cutting edge. (up to 500 words)
  2. Evidence how the product or technology is specifically designed to address a market demand, show how it adds value. (up to 500 words)

The judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing any creative and innovative aspects of the design process
  • Highlighting the distinct features of the product or technology
  • Identifying the impact of the product or technology on its target audience
  • Providing examples of benefits for customers
  • Demonstrating the ways in which the product or technology adds value
  • Star quality

5. Outstanding Investigator

This award recognises an investigator – either an individual or company – who has/have displayed outstanding performance in an area of criminal or civil investigation. This may relate to a single investigation or multiple investigations that required skill and/or specialist knowledge or expertise in any area of economic crime.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  1. Describe the work of the investigator and the ways that their actions have an impact on clients (up to 500 words)
  2. Describe how the investigator produced outstanding performance in its activities and why it deserves to be rewarded with this TECA. (up to 500 words)

The Judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing the key distinguishing strengths of the investigator
  • Highlighting the ways in which the investigator has built and sustained key relationships
  • Identifying the factors that enable the investigator to excel
  • Demonstrating how high performance and benefits are sustained
  • Star quality

6. Outstanding Partnership

This award recognises a successful partnership between two or more separate parties (public, private or third sector), focussed on tackling any aspect of economic crime. Effective partnerships are most often the result of good planning around identifiable objectives designed to deliver specific benefits, and are typically characterised by good management/co-ordination.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  1. Describe the partnership and the benefits it provides. (up to 500 words)
  2. Describe how the partnership demonstrates outstanding performance and why the partnership deserves this award. (up to 500 words)

The judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing the role of the partnership and the key benefits it provides
  • Highlighting the strategic approach, specific skills and tactics that underpin performance
  • Identifying the factors that enable staff/leadership to excel
  • Providing examples of outstanding performance for stakeholders
  • Demonstrating business benefits and how they are sustained
  • Star quality

7. Outstanding Public Sector/Law Enforcement Initiative

sponsored by Secretariat

This award recognises an initiative from any area of public sector that has helped tackle issues relating to any area of economic crime. This could involve reducing its incidence and/or its impact (this may include raising awareness and/or generating better intelligence/information for an improved response) and/or improving customer service. It may involve achieving efficiencies, for example improving results more economically or by otherwise adding value. The success maybe in excelling at one or all of the 4Ps of Pursue, Protect Prevent and Prepare. 

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  • Describe the initiative and its key objectives and any innovative aspects that have led to its success. (up to 500 words)
  • Evidence how the initiative benefits its target group highlighting the role of management/partnerships in generating an effect. (up to 500 words) 

The judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing the role of the initiative and the key benefits it provides
  • Highlighting the strategic approach, specific skills and tactics that underpin performance
  • Identifying the factors that enable the initiative to excel
  • Providing examples of outstanding performance for stakeholders
  • Demonstrating business benefits and how they are sustained
  • Star quality

8. Outstanding Private/Third Sector Initiative

This award recognises an initiative from any area of the private sector that has helped tackle issues relating to any area of economic crime. This could involve reducing its incidence and/or its impact (this may include raising awareness and/or generating better intelligence/information for an improved response) and/or improving customer service.. It may involve achieving efficiencies, for example improving results more economically or by otherwise adding value. 

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  • Describe the initiative and its key objectives and any innovative aspects that have led to its success. (up to 500 words)
  • Evidence how the initiative benefits its target group highlighting the role of management/partnerships in generating an effect. (up to 500 words) 

The judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing the role of the initiative and the key benefits it provides
  • Highlighting the strategic approach, specific skills and tactics that underpin performance
  • Identifying the factors that enable the initiative to excel
  • Providing examples of outstanding performance for stakeholders
  • Demonstrating business benefits and how they are sustained
  • Star quality

9. Outstanding Young Professional

sponsored by Counter Fraud Professional Awards Board

 This award recognises a young professional – that is anyone below the age of thirty (there is no restriction on the number of years spent working in the economic crime sector) – who has excelled in early career performance. This award will be made to someone who has made an impact in tackling any area of economic crime.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  1. Describe the role of the young professional and the ways in which he/she has excelled. (up to 500 words)
  2. Provide details of the value added by the young professional and his/her impact in specific area or areas of tackling any area of economic crime activity (inside the workplace and/or outside) highlighting the special qualities of the individual. (up to 500 words)

The judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing the work of the young professional and its relationship tackling any area of economic crime
  • Highlighting the ways in which the young professional is laying the foundations of a career
  • Identifying the influence of the young professional on specific audiences
  • Providing examples of interest and dedication to improving tackling any area of economic crime
  • Demonstrating how high performance will be sustained

10. Outstanding Female Economic Crime Professional

This award recognises an outstanding individual who identifies as female working at any level in an organisation who has consistently shown outstanding performance over a substantial period of time. The award also recognises the substantial impact the individual has had in driving improvements in tackling any aspect of economic crime.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  • Describe the role, including key moments and prominent achievements throughout the individual’s career. (up to 500 words)
  • Describe the activities that characterise the outstanding performance including how this person has encouraged and influenced others. (up to 500 words)

The judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Key distinguishing strengths of the individual in driving performance
  • Factors that enable the individual to excel
  • Significance of influence
  • Effectiveness of relationships with key stakeholders
  • Value added by the individual’s contribution
  • Overall star quality

11. Outstanding Individual Contribution to Tackling Economic Crime

There are many individuals who do not qualify as Young Professionals nor for the Lifetime Achievement category.  This category covers these professionals, working in any role in tackling any area of economic crime who, through their individual expertise, business acumen and/or skilful and innovative approaches, have contributed with distinction. Outstanding performers will be those who are setting examples that others will wish to follow.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  1. Describe the role of the professional and the ways in which the person has led by example including the impacts of work undertaken with different stakeholders in tackling economic crime. (up to 500 words)
  2. Provide details of the value added by the professional highlighting the specific qualities that generated any benefits noted. (up to 500 words)

The judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in tackling economic crime.

  • Discussing the ways in which the role has driven performance
  • Highlighting the factors that enable the person to excel
  • Identifying the ways in which the role has influenced others
  • Providing examples of differences the person’s contribution has made
  • Demonstrating the improvements made to people and/or process and systems

12. Outstanding Overseas Initiative

This award recognises a company, organisation or individual operating outside of the UK,  that runs an outstanding initiative that tackles any aspect of economic crime in any country other than the UK.

There are a broad range of initiatives which can be considered for this award but what they share is an exclusive focus on successfully tackling some aspect of economic crime. This could involve reducing its incidence and/or its impact (this may include raising awareness and/or generating better intelligence/information for an improved response). It may involve achieving efficiencies, for example improving results more economically or by otherwise adding value.

To enter this category you will be asked to:

  • Describe the initiative and its key objectives explaining the key influences on the approaches taken and the key impacts it has had. (up to 500 words)
  • Describe how the Initiative displays and encourages outstanding performance and the reasons why it has been successful and if applicable how success will be sustained. (up to 500 words)

The Judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing the aims of the initiative and the impact that it has had
  • Highlighting how innovation is displayed
  • Identifying the factors that enable staff/leadership to excel
  • Providing examples of improved performance
  • Demonstrating business benefits and how they are sustained

13. Lifetime Achievement

sponsored by cifas

This TECA recognises a senior member of the tackling economic crime community. It recognises an individual who has consistently shown outstanding performance over an extended period of time and has had a substantial impact upon defining and driving standards in the economic crime sector.

In nominating someone for this category (it is nomination only) you will be asked to:

  1. Describe the individual’s career, including key moments and prominent achievements. (up to 500 words)
  2. Describe how outstanding performance has been at the forefront of activities throughout the individual’s career, how this person has encouraged others to perform outstandingly and specific contributions to raising performance in tackling any area of economic crime. (up to 500 words)

The Judges will be looking for evidence of outstanding performance in:

  • Discussing the roles held by the individual and the significance of them to tackling any area of economic crime
  • Highlighting the factors that enable the individual to excel
  • Identifying the ways in which the individual has influenced others
  • Providing examples of building and maintaining effective relationships with key stakeholders
  • Demonstrating the overall value added
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