Final call for the TECAs

Nominations for the inaugural Tackling Economic Crime Awards will officially close on Thursday 1st August 2019. With the deadline now fast approaching, those involved in tackling any area of economic crime are being encouraged to put forward their nominations.

These high-status awards will be bestowed on an annual basis to companies and individuals working in the public, private and third sectors.

Nominations for the 2019 awards are invited in the following categories:

Outstanding Policing Initiative                                    Outstanding Partnership

Outstanding Manager or Director                               Outstanding Team

Outstanding Customer Service Initiative                    Outstanding New Product

Outstanding Training Initiative                                    Outstanding Investigator                               

Outstanding Young Professional                               Outstanding Cyber Company

Outstanding Female Professional                              Outstanding Prevention Initiative

Outstanding Male Professional                                  Outstanding Consultant

Lifetime Achievement Award

Judging of the awards will take place throughout August. Those who are selected as finalists will then progress through to the next phase, with winners announced at a prestigious awards dinner taking place on the 9th December  2019 at the Sheraton Grand Park Lane, London.

“The awards themselves aim to recognise the outstanding achievements of those involved in all areas of economic crime.  Those who make commendable and limitless contributions in driving out such crime as corporate espionage, fraud, money laundering, bribery and corruption deserve to be recognised” commented Professor Martin Gill founder of the TECAs.

Nominations for 2019 awards can be made by filling out the online application form at:

The 2019 awards are sponsored by fraud technology provider Altia-ABM.

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